ZUMBA VIRTUAL CLASS w/ GINA TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/zumba-live-06-28-11am-pst
#HIPHOPTURNUP VIRTUAL CLASS W/ THE WONDERS TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/hip-hop-turnup-06-29-6pm-pst
#HIPHOPTURNUP VIRTUAL CLASS W/ THE WONDERS TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/hip-hop-turnup-07-06-6pm-pst
#HIPHOPTURNUP VIRTUAL CLASS W/ THE WONDERS TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/hip-hop-turnup-07-10-12pm-pst
#HIPHOPTURNUP VIRTUAL CLASS W/ THE WONDERS TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/hip-hop-turnup-07-13-6pm-pst
#HIPHOPTURNUP VIRTUAL CLASS W/ THE WONDERS TO PURCHASE CLASS, CLICK ON LINK BELOW: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/drop-in-live-classes/products/hip-hop-turnup-07-17-12pm-pst
Zumba® GET DOWN ZIN JAM SESSION w/ The Wonders Come experience the BRAND NEW GET DOWN Zin Jam Session with G&D WONDER! Dive into the style of 4 FRESH routines, created especially for YOU to take back to your Zumba® classes! FOR ZIN MEMBERS ONLY https://www.zumba.com/en-US/trainer/session/60d0e51e-57a4-4900-b47e-32fc0a010a9c Playlist: WONDER #1
WONDER IN COLOR: VIRTUAL MUSIC SHOW Starring: Dahrio Wonder Emerge yourself in the color that is music. Vibe with the smooth sounds and let the wonder put feeling in your spirit & soul! Purchase your virtual ticket here: https://thewonderslive.com/collections/wonder-in-color-virtual-music-show